
Each lesson begins with a prayer followed by the teachings of the truths of the Catholic faith.  Students respond through prayer and the way they live out the discipleship. Students will also prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. They will use an integrated sacramental preparation program.  The lessons will help students grow in their faith in the Catholic tradition.

Reading/Language Arts

The program teaches students to read and use comprehension strategies.  The Scott Foresman Reading Street series uses a variety of topics.  Fiction and nonfiction stories help students to decode words, build vocabulary, increase fluency, and improve comprehension. Students use writing to express themselves.  They will use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, and organization of sentences to enhance their stories.  Prewriting helps students communicate their ideas.  Editing helps them to revise their final document.


The concepts are taught using the Houghton Mifflin textbook and manipulatives for “hands-on” activities.  Students learn problem-solving strategies, addition, and subtraction 1-18, addition and subtraction using regrouping, multiplication, measurement, geometry, money, time, fractions, and place value.


There will be a variety of main topics using a textbook and nonfiction books.  Students will use experiments and  research projects to expand their scientific knowledge.

Social Studies

Students will learn about communities, geography, cultures, economics, history, and citizenship.  These units will be enhanced with special projects throughout the year.